Please join me in welcoming my friend David Balentine, as he asks an important, but overlooked question. Take it away David:
How are you using your talents?
A challenge we all face is how to use our talents wisely. One of those challenges presented itself in the form of being asked to write a pithy post as a guest blogger. Not knowing fully what the word meant, another challenge arose. Define pithy.
In a world filled with talented writers, I do not consider myself one of them.
Originally rejected by her school’s newspaper, she turned her talents into becoming a popular humorist, recognized nationwide and read by more than 30 million people across the US and Canada every week.
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me”.” – Erma Bombeck
So, how are you using your talents?
Ok, back to my words: What is it that you want to become but for a variety of excuses, fears, doubts, reasons, you will never know because your fear is greater than your desire. Embrace failure as a necessary part of the formula and begin again, refreshed, renewed, recommitted.
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