It’s who you know

two people smiling at Disney
L-R: Jungle Jeff, Stitch, Jessie. Met Jessie at Island Mercantile. Stitch in this “Walker” is her creative idea to encourage Guest to Cast engagement. She is stationed next to a Pin Trading display board.
Disney's Animal Kingdom Club 33 logo
Disney’s Animal Kingdom Club 33 logo.
African photo art
Exquisite photo on the Men’s bathroom wall.
fancy bathroom art
Men’s bathroom in a private lounge.
Private Disney lounge
The private lounge has a bar.
Man sitting in hand carved chair
Wood carving is remarkable and inspiring.
two men in unusual selfie
Spent hours in Disney’s Animal Kingdom, never taking any selfies until the end.

The magic of compound interest is Magic in business relationships.


Most direct reports want their leader to make them feel special. Seems reasonable.

Most leaders want their direct reports to make them feel special. Seems reasonable.

The harsh reality is no one goes first.

It’s a waiting game that never gets solved.

That is, until you solve it for yourself.

Be the one to go first.

And keep doing it.

Be prepared to feel taken advantage of for your niceness. Few humans are present enough to understand the time and emotional labor investment.

But those who are more present, they are the ones to have the highest investment returns.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.