It’s a Disney secret

Back in the day i was a Disney Cast Member (for 3+ decades). And at one time had over 100 “creative” domain names. This photo is from 100 years ago.

Only those who wear a Disney nametag understand it’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic. 


Note: sent an email to a “newly minted” Disneyland Cast Member. Someone whose dream has been to become a Disney Cast Member. She replied, with an emphasis on the quote above which was a simple sentence i wrote in the email to her.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.