Culture readiness test

Numbers on a Post-it note
Remember this from today’s first post? Did you know the world record for most posts by a single author is 17,212? Look at those numbers…i’m not even close.
18-second video: Not proud of my delayed response to Kent, but then it hit me, he’s been in my shoes. Grateful to be able think thoughts like this, articulate them, and capture them “in person” instead of just sending one dimensional letters structured with words and sentences.

By design begets by design. By default begets by default.


Yes or no?

Aim for all yesses, except for one no:

  1. Nothing is more important than your culture?
  2. Growth dilutes culture?
  3. Culture drives habits?
  4. Habits drive results?
  5. Culture drives results?
  6. Your culture is currently world-class?
  7. Do you want your culture to be world-class?
  8. You have an executive Organizational Vibrancy leader?
  9. You have five front-line salaried Organizational Vibrancy leaders?
  10. You have a one-year budget for an Organizational Vibrancy team?
  11. You clearly understand that Organizational Vibrancy is not a bricks and mortar asset?
  12. You clearly understand that Organizational Vibrancy is an organizational heart-and-soul asset?
  13. Not everything that can be measured matters and not everything that matters can be measured?
  14. Personal vibrancy and organizational vibrancy are the same thing in two different vessels: one is a person and one is an organization?
  15. You know organizational vibrancy, like personal vibrancy is contingent on a person’s/people’s focus, discipline, structure, process, and motivation?
  16. Good is the enemy of great?
  17. Good and very good aren’t good enough?

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.