Want to be rich?
Take your role of CEO (being the top dawg in your life) seriously – as if your life depends on it, because it does..
You are the CEO of You, Inc. Vision is your greatest asset.
You are the CEO of You, Inc. Motivation is your second greatest asset.
You should have one clear, concise, and compelling vision for your life.
From that one remarkable vision, you will have multiple visions tiering up to ensure your clear, concise, and compelling vision is realized.
- Have a clear, concise, and compelling vision for your lifelong attitude.
- Have a clear, concise, and compelling vision for your lifelong health.
- Have a clear, concise, and compelling vision for your lifelong spirit.
- Have a clear, concise, and compelling vision for your lifelong career.
- Have a clear, concise, and compelling vision for your lifelong dwelling.
Life’s five big choices.
Mind, body, spirit, work, home.
Personal vibrancy or struggle to survive.
In business it looks like this: Organizational vibrancy and a category of one, or struggling to keep up with the lead industry pack, and worst case, struggling to grow and prosper (surviving and avoiding bankruptcy).
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