Please think deeply about not exercising.
Totally agree with Mark.
Yes and, there are many leaders who do not exercise regularly, do not eat well-balanced nutrition, nor do they insist on adequate sleep.
If they are not trusting themselves to get and stay healthy, why would we trust them with stuff at work?
When experts talk, listen to the entire message. Cues and clues are everywhere.
Son, you have developed a keen sense of awareness in reading people. Trust your gut.
Sometimes your gut will be wrong. This is rare. Play the odds that your gut is your best defense and offense.
PS. Walt was an amazing visionary leader. He also died from lung cancer. Rumor is that the Disney point came from photoshopped photos of Walt’s cigarettes being removed, leaving behind two fingers as if in a point.
PSS. In the 1980’s at Disney’s Contemporary Resort lobby Concierge Desk, i made change for a $20 bill for Roy E. Disney. In that brief encounter i saw how Roy’s fingers were permanently stained from smoking. His fingers…that’s a lot of smoking.
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