Sales Page Text for One-Sheeter for One-Day Community Program:
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Sponsor A Community Program
Higher Education or the Chamber of Commerce is the primary link to your region’s business community and either one (or both) are best suited to market and handle all the logistics to host a world-class professional development session. i provide special workbooks and deliver world-class content featuring Disney’s proven business principles, with a unique, compelling style.
Sponsor Benefits:
Revenue Opportunity
Drive revenue for your organization by hosting me, a 30-year Disney leader and Disney Institute’s highest rated, most requested speaker (1999-2014).
Align With The World’s Leading Corporate Culture Architect
i’ve quietly earned a world-renowned reputation for refreshingly simple, actionable, and laser focused corporate culture architecture based on my 30 years at Disney, executing and leading the time-tested business insights of The Walt Disney Company.
Strengthen Your Community
By scheduling a full day of business insights from the World’s fifth most admired company in the world, you offer an incredible set of blueprints that work for every organization, regardless of size or industry sector.
Engage Your Community
Offer sponsorship levels to create win-win opportunities to manage your costs and allow others to co-brand with you.
Collaborate With My Team to Leverage Marketing Ideas
Access the collective creative brain power from my team of former Disney creatives (and others) to hone your marketing and public relations campaign.
Build on Your Community Legacy By Creating the Wow Factor
Our goal is to ensure that every participant walks away saying, “That was the best professional development experience of my entire life.”
Call 407-538-4341 if you have questions about our solutions.
If you prefer to be contacted later, send an email to jeff.noel@me.com.
(note: a few hours after writing this, i edited it to make it shorter)
On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.
This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.