Only a heretical professional speaker would never give the same speech twice

large stadium seating
Excitement and unpredictability are universally desirable


Only a heretical professional speaker would never give the same speech twice.

What the speaker loses in scalability, consistency, comfort, and predictability she gains in engagement, authenticity, excitement, and trust.

The leader’s job isn’t to maintain the status quo, the leaders job is to break the mold.

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Dear Nuwanda, please tell us how you really feel about the accusations

2009 Masters World Championships view of track from ski jump tower
2009 Masters World Championships (an intimate understanding about world class)


A fictional (probably) story that could happen, or is happening now, in any company, anywhere in the world…

Dear fearless new leader, welcome back as our company’s alpha dog. You’ve come a long way in the decade you’ve been gone. Extraordinarily impressive. Congratulations.

Those antiquated astonishing things we’re still doing that have you shaking your head and asking, “What the?“, yeah, me too.

Then there’s the issue of why are our employees still doing the same things the same way?

That’s a great question for your leadership council, coincidentally with the same leader at the top since you left.

One can’t help but wonder why our leadership (for the past decade) isn’t apologizing for allowing it to happen and for falsely thinking we can’t change.

This is were we are embarrassed (and sad) for them.

Please don’t tolerate insidious innuendoes about inabilities.

Please build up your team so they can build up the front line.

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What is the harsh reality of enjoying a productive summer at work?

Walt Disney Legacy Award coffee mug
Walt Disney Legacy Award coffee mug


What is the harsh reality of enjoying a productive summer at work?

What we put up with, we end up with.

What we accept by default becomes our standard.

This is the harsh reality in our careers. What if we would have started 100 days ago and read one business book every month, and read Seth Godin’s daily blog on top of that?

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What’s the highest form of lifetime recognition our organization celebrates?

Talking Point Blog (Feb 19, 2013)
‘Talking Point’ Blog (Feb 19, 2013)


Walt Disney Legacy Award presentation (Feb 19, 2013)
Walt Disney Legacy Award presentation (Feb 19, 2013)


What’s the highest form of lifetime recognition our organization celebrates?

Talking Point, one of many official Disney blogs, shares what one of the world’s most respected companies does and how it benefits the organization, employee, customer, and bottom-line.


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