Over-focus is my hypothesis

Disney Business insight
Twitter, yesterday. It’s unclear whether Disney Institute condones this image being public.
Disney Business insight
There’s a school of thought that says, “Give away your best content for free.”

Over-focus is my hypothesis…

Over-focus on the same things others under-focus on or ignore.

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The freedom an entrepreneurial lifestyle brings

Howe ridge fire
It’s doubled since this photo a few days ago. Note the expected containment date, 2.5 months from now.


The freedom an entrepreneurial lifestyle brings is the payoff for the never-guaranteed success that only comes from taking the risk to do something that may not work.

But what actually makes it work is refusing to fail – in essence, refusing to quit.

You have to have a “burn-the-ships” passion.

Win or die.

Not becoming an entrepreneur leads to stress…

Stress is caused by the imbalance between effort and results.

We all want freedom, especially after we have spent decades in our careers, but few of us are willing to risk the effort required to get the results we dream of.


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Leadership requires you to ask for a lot

Disney Keynote Speaker
Context to the moment and for the brand.

You create your opportunities by asking for them.  – Paula Hansen


Leadership requires you to ask for a lot.

Leadership requires you to give a lot.

Just remember how karma works and you’ll be fine.


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Made in the USA?

Disney leadership speaker
Superheroes are born, in cartoon land.

I’m firmly convinced that leaders are not born; they’re educated, trained, and made, as in every other profession.  – General Curtis E. LeMay


There is a difference between leadership and management. The leader and the men who follow him represent one of the oldest, most natural, and most effective of all human relationships. The manager and those he manages are a later product with neither so romantic, nor so inspiring a history. Leadership is of the spirit, compounded of personality and vision—its practice is an art. Management is of the mind, more a matter of accurate calculation, statistics, methods, timetables, and routine—its practice is a science. Managers are necessary; leaders are essential.  – General Curtis E. LeMay


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Blessed existance?

Disney Keynote Speaker
Famous initials. Famous font.


If we have never been amazed by the very fact that we exist, we are squandering the greatest fact of all.  – Will Durrant


Leadership rises and falls with self.

Do you have demonstratable behaviors that tell the story about how glad you are to be alive today?


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