This is the mark of a true professional – of an artist you might say

Pithy quote from famous author
Our obesity epidemic stems from our resistance to change


The c-suite executive said, “They were a tough audience”.

“Yeah”, I said, “But it’s my responsibility to overcome that”.

The next day, anticipating more of the same, from different folks in the same organization, I attacked it completely differently.

Same core, simple, key, repeatable messages.

But with a redirected energy aimed right at their predictable resistance.

I changed. Big time.

This is the mark of a true professional – of an artist you might say.

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Bonus post today (scroll down)…


10 Lessons learned from the world’s most captivating speakers

Even if you’re not a speaker, these ten Lessons learned from the world’s most captivating speakers have transferable world class business insight:



Benchmarking is most effective when seeing why someone thinks a certain way, not what they do or how they do it, but… “why?”.


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Should the teacher insist the students stop comparing?

Finland wldflowers
Diversity creates a beautiful, sustainable, ecosystem


Finland wild flowers
Diversity is what makes the whole thing work


Should the teacher insist the students stop comparing?




Because comparing is a stealth way to make excuses.

Stop comparing and thinking you must measure up to someone else’s standard. Make your own unique standard.

This is my job as a teacher – to inspire others to rethink.

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The old ways of doing work are collapsing and smart people can not stop it

The old ways of doing work are collapsing and smart people can not stop it.

Smart people are resisting. Smarter (the new smart) people are exploiting embracing what is nothing less than a new world order.

This video is 18 minutes long from entitled, Tomorrow’s Work. Why Yesterday’s Expectations Are Ruining Today’s Future.

I don’t expect anyone to have 18 minutes to watch it. Not now. But later?



The exciting thing about change is that history has proved it is unstoppable.

Knowing this, how we respond determines surviving or thriving.

Why avoid thriving?

It’s gonna be hard no matter what.

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