A Shot Of Guilt

PS. Chose This Unfocused Photo On Purpose
PS. Chose This Unfocused Photo On Purpose

The other night, a shot of guilt ran up my spin, completely unexpected, and (thankfully) very minor. Have you ever been in a sudden, but fleeting state of consciousness where this has happened to you?

Each day, upon picking up our son at school, it’s the same Father-Son ritual that’s been conducted daily for the past 8 years.

The infamous Bear Hug.

Caught a glimpse of another boy watching us as he was getting into his Mom’s SUV. He doesn’t see his Dad everyday. His parents are divorced.

But not only was it a shot full of guilt it was a shot full of profound gratitude.

One of the best ways to inspire others is by the example you set.

Sadly, we get so busy trying to do things right, that we neglect doing the right things.

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Haven’t Mentioned This Yet

What Exactly Is A Miracle?
What Exactly Is A Miracle?

You know what it feels like, right? That feeling when you’re on to something that used to feel absolutely impossible.

Ever been there?

If you remember, a month ago, I had a strong feeling that Mid Life Celebration, LLC monthly visits would bypass the 50,000-range? Well, intuition proved correct.

Monthly visits had been in the 40k’s, but jumped past 60,000 for October. To think a daily average over 2,000 website visits was possible, was, well, impossible.

Thank you for being part of that.

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Sounds Inflated Doesn’t It?

Inflated? And Famous.
Inflated? And Famous.

The elections remind us that many people say many things, and each one expects us to believe what they are saying is true. And yet, reflect back on this year’s campaign ads.

So if I tell you that for October, Mid Life Celebration’s “Hits” were 1.3 million, what would you think?

Yeah, me too.

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