Leadership lessons are like air

The leadership required to keep a Farm thriving in the midst of residential growth is remarkable. This is not something we would normally ever think about. But if we ever did, there are insights to be gleaned.


Farm near Spring Grove, Pennsylvania


(photo above: Farm surrounded by brand new residential development)


Farmer's field


(photo above: York County Pennsylvania Farmer’s field has ‘No Trespassing signs, but no fence… bit of an honor system, or maybe it doesn’t even matter anymore)

Leadership lessons are like air, or weeds.

Abundant and free.

But do we see value in either one?

What if we did?

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

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Leadership can stink and people accept it

PH Glatfelter Paper Mill


If you’re riding in a vehicle several miles east of town, with the windows down, and the person next to you is visiting for the first time in their life, they will ask the obvious question, “What’s that smell?”

To which the lifetime resident will respond with, “What smell?”

What begins for us as ‘finding our groove’ eventually becomes the daily rut of life and leadership.

PS. Converting a forest of trees to reams of paper is a smelly process.

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What if most think leadership is just paying lip service?

Kindle book excerpt from Spotting the Sacred


(photo: Excerpt from Spotting the Sacred, a forgotten Kindle download from long ago… began reading on flight yesterday)

When we hold on to cultural norms, what are we really holding on to?

Tradition? Values?

Comfort? Consistency?

A recent blog post from a famous company suggests we be bold.

Bold can get you in trouble.

It can also change things.


And bold can become a competitive advantage.

For example, bold can be retiring early and launching something the world needs but has given up on.

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