Don’t quit your day job is really great advice

after retiring, they've never had to work another day

Don’t quit your day job is really great advice. And all I can think about is how lucky I am to have a day job that allows me to do work that matters.

Count your blessings if you are working hard at something that matters. Consider getting out if your not.

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How to tell if you are prone to excellence in your job

examining life
what is it that we are afraid of discovering about ourselves?

The unexamined life is not worth living. – Socrates

I know this sounds harsh. It is, really. Socrates said it as he was being sentenced to death – he was on trial for heresy, for encouraging his students to challenge accepted beliefs.

The really harsh part? Actually, well, the harsh part is that it was true then and is still today. The question then is, “What are we going to do about it”

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One big reason why we need reminders

perspective illusion
things are not always as they appear. in fact, they rarely are.

The biggest reason for reminders is so we don’t forget. Duh! Just remember when you see someone, say me, who loves their job, you absolutely have to remember that everyone, including me, is fighting a hard battle. Don’t be fooled. Count your blessings right where you are.

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Same Old Same Old Can Be A Blessing

Just another day at the office?

Today is gonna be just like yesterday, isn’t it? Same old same old. What a huge blessing that today will just be more of the same. Yesterday was such an amazing gift to unpack and share with the rest of the world. Yesterday…an email excerpt from a childhood friend:

“…(her daughter) said she thinks it’s because your intentions are good. You don’t have some hidden agenda. You WANT to understand what people see and how they think.”

Insight: I respectfully disagreed with Lorie’s blog post comment (in which she respectfully disagreed with my me) – the quote above reveals how important intent is.

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