
This view requires great personal leadership.

Self-serving is the first step in being a great leader.

Son, you must figure out who you are and why you want what you want before you can lead yourself.

Great leaders lead themselves first.

Work on being the best version of you.

Work on discovering your purpose.

Enjoy your journey.

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The pursuit of excellence

What a place to read. Or build rock sculptures. 

Previous photo was taken from here. 

Our VRBO Cabin’s deck. 

You can spot Cheryl reading on this photo’s lower middle border. 

Lake level view. 

Three bedrooms facing Lake McDonald. 

Last photo of the day. 

Morning (pre-sunrise) view from deck. 

Another pre-sunrise photo. My room is upper left. The windows stayed open for 8 days and 7 nights. 

Cabin 20 on Lake McDonald is amazing in every way but one – Internet and cellular signal. 

It’s enough to inspire me to keep looking for a place that “has it all”.

The Cottages at Glacier is rising as the new standard for doing inspiring work for however many more years i am gifted. 

Son, many visit Glacier to escape the Internet and cellular grid, to leave the stress of constant, beckoning work behind. 

Paradoxically, i come to Glacier to do my most creative work. i visit Glacier to push my thinking’s creative limit in a way that Walt Disney World has delivered, yet to push it more – to discover new territory. 

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It’s​ a privilege to help you

Piegan Mountain and Piegan Glacier. 

Looking Southwest at Jackson Glacier. 

Above the tree-line on Mt. Siyeh (L) and the low side of Going to the Sun Mountain (R). 

The East (backside) view of the Garden Wall. Trail leads to Piegan Pass. The trail is steeper than it looks. The trail has a greater drop off than it looks. 

Crossing snow on August 1.

Son, i hope you never forget hearing, “It’s a privilege to help you.”

What may seem to you like a hassle for me, when you require help, is a blessing because of the way i choose to see each situation. 

Problem or challenge?

Problem or opportunity?

Midlife crisis or midlife celebration?

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Career surplus

Stumbled upon the fact that the speech has been moved to

Not every TEDx Talk migrates to TED. The url in these two photos shows the reality. 

At the Columbia Falls library, while uploading 600 photos and videos to the cloud, discovered something remarkable (see photo above). 

The challenge with every business is, among many things, marketing. 

Marketing’s aim is to vie for our attention. 

This is borderline impossible. 

Son, hoping the short, creative video clips will be a recipe for getting the word out about the TED Talk. 

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

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Best in the category?

Be the best in a category or become the category?

Everything the eye can see is art. 

Failure is key to mastering art. 

Changing the world is at the center of everything we do at Apple – Tim Cook

Dreaming is necessary if you want to change something. 

Couple big things to consider before trying to change the world. 

Yes or no?

i am a category of one?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HQ, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.