Get Used To Getting Turned Down?

The Seats Are Empty Now, But...
The Seats Are Empty Now, But...

Ever heard this one? You can not be a prophet in your hometown.

Or this one? Most breakthroughs come from ordinary people whom everyone else thought was crazy or off-center.

And the kicker? They never gave up, and that’s why they’re successful.

Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup For The Soul co-authors, got turned down by 144 publishers.

Ready to give up? Already given up?

Fighting a hard battle for what you believe in?

Get used to getting turned down.

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Do You Stand A Chance?

Snowball's Chance In...
Snowball's Chance In...

Today the polling stations are open from 7AM until 7PM. We mailed our absentee ballot last week.

Are people voting this year for the best candidate?

Or, for the one who isn’t the worst?

The campaign ads in Central Florida this year were especially negative. Repetitively and obnoxiously negative.


Anyway, if your boss could pick her team over again, would she pick you?

Yesterday’s post and today’s post reminds us of one important fact. Being positive or negative is our choice. And it also goes both ways.


August’s MBA Update

August has been very challenging.

August has been very rewarding.

There were lessons learned that neither the teacher nor the student were prepared for.

This makes the world of business challenging, exhilarating, exhausting, and sometimes, almost not worth it.

But focus, discipline and a clear, concise and compelling vision will pull you through the dark moments.

Every time.

(scroll down for yesterday’s post or cash in at HQ blog)

What Time Is It?

For many, including me, the traditional work day is over. That’s what time it is. Quitting time.

Did you give 110% today, even though it was Friday and you no doubt had a very long, trying week?

If you do not love what you do, you most likely didn’t give 100%, let alone anything extra.

What time is it?

Time for your employer to find your replacement?

MBA Updates

Every Day Is Hard
Every Day Is Hard

The typical MBA program lasts 2-3 years.

The Internet MBA program I’m taking requires three years of arduous work with only two grade options:

  1. Pass
  2. Fail

Just passed the half-way mark.

Tracking towards the pass category, but have no guarantees.

Have you ever approached any major life milestones with an all or nothing effort?

Tomorrow you’ll see some mid-term “grades”. Today, you can see a humbling project report number here.

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