Boomers, are these two attributes possible in a noisy, distracting world?

Mid Life Celebration book in Delta first class cabin
Marketing a book will stretch most people’s skill sets


Mid Life Celebration book in Cleveland
Marketing Mid Life Celebration will stretch all skill sets


Mid Life Celebration book in Cleveland
Mid Life Celebration: Baby Boomer’s foremost cultural movement? Yes, if marketed remarkably.


Mid Life Celebration is becoming the Baby Boomer’s foremost cultural movement.

rethink • reprioritize • recommit

Personal leadership is crucial for peace and contentment in a noisy, distracting world.

We know this.

Will we accept the challenge to transform with the movement, or will we continue to follow the herd?

It is our personal responsibility to decide and no one else’s.

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If you’ve ever made excuses that have cost you, and have caused you deep regret

Facebook Fan Page under-developed marketing
How do we feel when we are asked to do something and the only reason is because it will benefit someone else?


under-developed marketing often is the only standard many know (and use)
Would even a small amount of backstory, or description help us understand why we should act?


If you’ve ever made excuses that have cost you, and have caused you deep regret, and yet you still hold onto hope that it’s not over yet, and if you have been searching for a long time for the permission to change – to act differently than in your past life…

Please like this Mid Life Celebration Facebook page.

PS. Excuses, regrets, opportunity, and permission? Story of my life.

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Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear

Four Florida sand Hill Cranes and UPS delivery truck
Inquiring minds want to know


Mid Life Celebration book delivery and Sand Hill Cranes in background
Will you please read it to us? (said no Sand Hill Crane ever)


Adult and juvenille Sand Hill Crane closeup photo
The young one (left) actually does want to know the story


Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them.   – Dr. Robert Jarvik (inventor of the Jarvik-7, an artificial heart)

Perhaps they do have a highly developed sense of fear, but an even greater sense of purpose. Yes?

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The first ten copies of Mid Life Celebration will be here any day

Astonishing quote on excuses
Few words have more truth than these. It feels great to overcome this.


The first ten copies will be here any day. The publisher and printer (two separate entities) are awaiting the green light from me Mid Life Celebration, LLC.

Then it should be two to three weeks for the bulk order to arrive in Orlando.

Meanwhile, Amazon and Barnes & Noble will have it available immediately.

The book announcement is going to surprise everyone.

Been a while since I’ve swallowed butterflies this big.

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