How you feel says it all

First College National Championship Game coin toss
The odds or demonstrating courage are way less than 50/50. Last night’s first College Nat’l Championship game.


How you feel says it all.

If you are overwhelmed (and who isn’t), it impacts your ability to lead.

If you are balanced, your leadership is radically amplified.

People follow your courage, not your title.

If you’re too busy fixing things to courageously lead, well, you do the math.

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Confession time



(photo: Disney characters and NOEL Christmas decoration in a Disney fanatic’s home.)

Confession time. It’s tough to walk the talk.


Because of the high probability some will be offended, and our distaste for offending others.

And then those people (your friends, colleagues, Family) will call you arrogant. And they’ll do it behind your back and gossip about you.

This is the first and best sign you have a passion that you can’t contain.

But you may never fully unleash it because you’re too worried about what others think.

Important to note:

Over time we’ve all been jealous of another’s success, or angry at our lack of success. Or both. Our colleague’s success is an unintentional spotlight on our personal issues.

Also over time is the ability to rise above this.

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Everyone’s a critic

Three Mile Island from airplane


(photo: Three Mile Island, background. Chapin, foreground.)

March 28, 1978, there was a nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island.

Major leadership failure.

Leadership is a hot seat few understand, but all are free to criticize.

Nothing and no one is perfect (ok, God is the exception).

But we still need great leaders.

And we all need one to lead our life.


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A most unusual Christmas gift for your Family?

Disney Leadership Keynote Speakers


(photo: They each got the same gifts, including a book: “What to do when it’s your turn. And it’s always your turn”)

Immerse yourself in inspiration, hope, and joy during 2015.

You have been granted three wishes for which it will be the granter’s duty to fulfill:

  • A big wish
  • A medium wish
  • A small wish

Shopped all year, without ever going online or to a store.

Will these gifts be appreciated and remembered in a different way?

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The joy of being the boss

Pope Francis


(photo: A surprise, and astonishingly brave and inspiring speech just three days before Christmas: Calling out the hypocrisy on the vatican Cardinals.)

First Christmas in 30 years where there are no worries about getting time off to spend with Family.

The responsibility of being self-employed hasn’t fully sunk in.

But the joy of being the boss has.

You don’t realize the weight (of corporate tradition) until it’s gone.

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