Do what you fear

Do what you fear.

Make being out of your comfort zone your new comfort zone.

You don’t have to trust me, but may i just say that who can you trust in matters such as these?

Seriously, i’ve been blogging every day for 8.5 years.

i know a thing or two about being uncomfortable.

Is Your Moral Compass Calibrated?

Or Do You Go Wherever The Wind Blows?
Is Your Moral Compass Calibrated? Or Do You Go Wherever The Wind Blows?

My college friend Skip Gaskill returns (lucky us). Leadership is a 24/7 commitment. Or not. Skip helps us understand the HUGE difference between part-time and full-time commitment.

Never forget, someone is always watching.

Take it away Skip:

As I drive to work in the morning I usually listen to either the news or sports talk radio.  One of the popular Sports Talk programs I listen to is called the Sports Junkies…a group of five locals who are in their late 20’s/early 30’s who talk about the local professional teams.  They spend roughly 75% of the time talking about sports but the other 25% of the time they talk about anything and everything.  I enjoy their banter about sports but when they enter the other 25% I change the station.

Why?  In the course of their discussions they clearly articulate, to their own amusement as well as their audience’s, how they lack integrity, courage, commitment, self discipline, and a calibrated moral compass.

All of these men are married with children.  What message are they sending?  Are we endorsing this kind of behavior by listening?

I recently saw some commercials on television that were subtle recommendations to do the right thing.  It can be as simple as giving up your seat on a bus to an elder or not cheating on a test.  I wish there were more of them.

We all need to do a better job.  Go out of your way to do the right thing…even when no one is looking….because someone is always looking.  Happy Holidays.

Next Blog

No Lizards, Only Chickens

It’s a no-brainer, to stand out in a crowd, you have to do things differently or better than your competition, especially in a highly competitive market, like fast food.

Chick-Fil-A does both – different and better!

No Lizard brains allowed, only chickens.

(each photo contains a story caption)

Fresh Flower Bud Vase At A Fast Food Outlet
Fresh Flower Bud Vase At A Fast Food Outlet?
At Every Single Window Table
At Every Single Window Table!
As You Enter The Fast Food Place...
As You Enter The Fast Food Place...
They Have The Audacity To Tell You Exactly Where They Stand
They Have The Audacity To Tell You Exactly Where They Stand

No Lizard brains allowed, only chickens. Got it?

Trust Je… @ Next Blog