Build your own damn ladder

ready for a strategic battle?

Build your own ladder? Yes! Climb the one everyone is trying to climb, or build your own. They’re both scary, right? So here’s a thought from someone the world loved and respected:

It’s better to be a pirate than to join the Navy. – Steve Jobs

Go! This is our best summer ever. Remember?

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Average and mediocre are becoming obscure

going out of business
give them credit for still being in business, but for how much longer?

Putting in time, following old rules, being too slow to change, too scared to push, too compliant, too average, and heaven forbid, too mediocre.

The Internet and the viral spread of ideas, accompanied by crazy-affordable (often free) technology are allowing more people to become remarkable. And by the way, this applies to way more than business.

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The only way to discover what’s been undiscovered is to search for it

small town
bricks, sky, and small-town water tower are very….small-town like
red is very…

The only way to discover what remains undiscovered is to search for it. It does’t get any simpler than that.

The only way to stay on the hunt is to have a reason so compelling, no amount of obstacles will stop you.

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PS. These five daily blogs are one small personal example of undiscovered territory. My model for personal wellness and work life balance is another. Announcing my retirement date five years early is another….

There is nothing more beautiful in business than discovering a better way

change the world
Some businesses are helping to change the way the world does business


There is nothing more beautiful in business than discovering a better way. The satisfaction of providing something no one’s ever provided before, or providing an existing product or service in a better way than before, this is what makes a career meaningful, purposeful.

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