Are you familiar with transcendental concepts?

Excessive bleeding and how to stop it is a universal concept…

context neutral insights

There are universal truths, or transcendental insights, at the root of personal transformation. Universal insights. No matter who you are, or where you live, or what you do, these wise insights transcend boundaries. Mid Life Celebration has shared over 7k blog posts which directly and indirectly support this concept…

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Dear Son, we must learn when to speak up and when to stay quiet

Spoon-feeding impressionable children should be a parental crime…

teaching or facilitating

Dear Son, we must learn when to speak up and when to stay quiet. You get more bees with honey than with vinegar. It also pays to learn some basic writing habits as well.

CS Lewis recommends you don’t make an audience think. jeff noel recommends that that’s all you do.

Insight: CS Lewis was a masterful writer. Five of his tips are embedded above.

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The easiest way to become unpopular

What makes your cakes special?

cake shop

The easiest way to become unpopular? Be brave. Be foolish. Or ask a simple question that demands a ready, clear, concise answer. Most will avoid the first two.

Dear Son, at 53, your Dad is still trying to remember not to do the third one.

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Insight: Publicly catching people off guard does not win them over.

Mid Life Celebration weekly update 4

It began in 2008 as a 40-something Dad’s attempt to simply life’s key themes in order to teach a young boy some responsibility. It’s morphed into a common-sense guide for work life balance, for every adult, everywhere.

mind – body – spirit – money – hq

Many say balance is mind, body, and spirit. Others say it’s work and home. No one else I’ve seen claims it’s all five, except Mid Life Celebration.

Please scroll down to read this week’s posts. Reminder, every post (except weekly updates) ends with a simple ‘Next Blog‘ hyperlink for quick, easy navigation between all five daily posts.