What once was new and shiny becomes a burden over time

A box of Kellogg's Krave cereal serves as a metaphor
Do we crave the rush of new or the joy of commitment?


Same photo, and a fourth, different application.

What once was new and shiny becomes a burden over time. There are things we begin doing as leaders when we’re new or new to a position, that later become a burden.

It’s similar to the honeymoon effect people talk about.

The point is, after four years of not missing a day writing five differently-themed blogs, today marks the beginning of the 50 continuous month.

We can ask ourselves, “What are we committed to and why are we so committed?”

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Growing up and growing wiser

President Obama and James Taylor shaking hands
President Obama and James Taylor shaking hands


Just back from New Orleans and had Inauguration day off with our Son. Maybe you watched it live too.

Grew up with James Taylor. And now growing wiser with Barack Obama.

Ignoring the facts doesn’t change them. There’s great work needing to be done. Our Country has a chief executive.

Servant leadership is about working together for the greater good. Politics often confuses this purpose.

No matter who our boss is at work, we have to follow. This is no different. Not really.

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