Knowledge is power is false

Airport sign advertisement
Knowledge can move us, but not nearly like action


Knowledge is power is false.

Action is power.

Knowledge without implementation is the same as not knowing.


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The art of being the weirdest person in the room

jeff noel quote
Don’t be trapped by anything


The art of being the weirdest person in the room.

All the middle-aged husky men with white hair and long white beards attending the Santa Claus convention seem weird to just about everyone.

Except to all the other folks who look like, and enjoy the annual opportunity to portray Santa Claus for a few weeks to bring joy to youngsters.

The person who always has one insightful, courageous question to ask, and to ask it in a non-threatening way at just the right moment…

These people seem like antagonists. Weirdos who “just don’t get it”.

But to others seeking truth and authenticity, it’s weirdly refreshing and inspiring.

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The one most glaring metric to use to know if we’re making a difference

Steve Jobs quote
If you take a moment to read it carefully, it’s hard to disagree with


The one most glaring metric to use to know if we’re making a difference:

The number of people who doubt you (initially) and what you stand for

We call it a comfort zone for a reason.

We’re all gonna die, and 100 years from now no one will remember us.

So here’s the one (very redundant) secret we all actually know, but find comfort in denying. Why deny this?

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