Here’s to long emails

two hikers in mountains
September 2022. GNR: Great Northern Railway.
two hikers in mountains
September 2022, Comeau Pass…Continental Divide on horizon. If you know what you’re looking at (Stacy), you can spot Reynolds Mountain in center horizon.
Mountain Chalet room
Simple elegance. Our luggage is simple too. Hanging on the wall hooks, Cheryl’s red daypack and my two kiddie daypacks. We packed for a four-night, five-day stay.
Mountain Chalet room balcony
Lucky to receive a room with balcony. The low horizon, at 8,000′ is Comeau Pass. Gunsight Mountain rises to the right. Edwards Mountain rises to the left.
Mountain Chalet room balcony
Exceptional location. Lincoln Peak, at 7,500′ is above Cheryl’s head. Gunsight Mountain is to the left, out of sight.
handmade Halloween card and candy
There was no room for gifts between Cheryl’s daypack and the two kiddie daypacks i carried. but somehow we pulled off a delightful “Halloween” surprise. All the stores had huge Halloween displays in early September. This September phenomenon inspired us to trek Halloween candy to the chalet.
Mountain Chalet dining room
The 2022 Sperry Chalet staff at dinner.
dinner table name placard with Disney character figurines
Arrival day for Cheryl and me, September 2022. Cheryl did not get to return in 2023. i got to in July 2023, but our final four nights together got cancelled due to eye surgery.

Each year i return home from Glacier, the Universe reminds me to consider the reality that one year, i will return to Orlando and never return to Glacier.


Kevin, happy present moment. Merry Christmas to you as well.

(wanted to write you a shorter note but didn’t have time…)

Been sitting on your message trying to find a way to articulate how your message impacted me.

But after a week of sitting, still haven’t found a compelling way. So here is an attempt motivated by being tired of sitting.

First, sorry to hear about your Family member’s stroke. Your take on the Universe loaning us equipment and without warning taking it back…deep…and this is the cool part, i love your window to our world.

Second, thank you, also, for your marching orders. Simple. Brilliant. Spot on!

Since 2013 when we started bringing our son every Summer…each year i return home from Glacier, the Universe reminds me to consider the reality that one year, i will return to Orlando and never return to Glacier.

But that didn’t happen this Summer. Why? Because i was returning to Orlando for only one week in mid-August and then returning to Glacier through November. What could possibly interfere?

In early September, it looked like i was gonna be able to fly back out and enjoy Sperry’s final four nights. But then the August retina surgery repair tore again.

To say that if the Universe grants me another visit — that i’ll be gazing twice as long — well, quite possibly the understatement of the decade. Thank you, again, for your impactful messages.

In closing, may the Universe and all it’s positive attributes bless you in ways that exceed you and your Family’s expectations.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.