New crew at the camp store last night

Crazy hats
Different shop, same company.


Crazy hats
My original Jungle Cruise hat was even sillier.


New crew at the camp store last night.

Mike rang up my ice-cream sandwich and Keith ran my card for Cheryl’s shirt.

As we talked i listened intently (like always) for information that informs, inspires, and sometimes, entertains.

As soon as Keith mentioned they both work in the corporate office, i seized the opportunity.

Keith spent six years at Yellowstone and followed Mike to Headquarters in Columbia Falls. They were filling in for the closing shift so their retail team could team-build and relax on a boat ride.

Do you think someday you’ll wish you had been there to witness these experiences (and learn from them), or do you feel like you see enough?

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.