Satisfaction is dangerous

Portland Memorial Coliseum


(photo: yesterday’s ‘office’)

Satisfaction is dangerous.

Because satisfaction only meets needs.

It never exceeds expectations.

We like when our expectations are exceeded.

Don’t we?

Some retire because they can’t wait to quit working.

Some retire because they can’t wait to begin on a higher calling.

Quite possibly even more work than they’ve ever done before.

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It’s so easy to spot when someone loves what they do

couldn’t keep my “real job” a secret even if my life depended on it

Hey Internet, aren’t you a funny little monkey? My friend from Texas often uses this phrase when something or someone leans on the annoying side of life. I’ve purposefully never come right out and said what I do 60+ hours a week – you know, that career thing some people spend their lives doing.

Fact is, I can’t keep what I do and who I do it for a secret, even if my life depended on it.

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