Bloom where planted

home office
Watching Bob Iger’s Master Class. It was redundant messaging. Heard it all while Bob was actually doing it as my CEO.


Son, you are destined for your own personal greatness. What that means and how it manifests for you will unfold naturally. Enjoy the ride of a lifetime.



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Born or developed?

Mickey Mouse statue
Who dat? On the left.


What to do if a visionary Gerontologist asks you a great question? Easy. Answer it honestly. You don’t need research nor scientific data to know what you know, feel, and experience.

You are, after all, the expert at your own personal opinion. Just answer it. Don’t over-think it.

The question may sound intimidating, like this one:

Can passion be developed?

My answer:

One tip, know the difference between passion and skill.

Can passion be developed?

This is interesting. First thoughts:

1. Passion is found, not developed
2. Once found, then what?
3. Passion isn’t developed, it’s unleashed.
4. It’s emotional, not tangible.

A speaker, let’s say, can practice their speech, but it’s hard to practice their unbridled desire (passion) for helping others. They’re born with it naturally.

Once we start thinking passion is a thing, we are probably no longer talking about passion, but something else, like a skill.

Passion can be harnessed and directed purposefully. Can it be developed? Hmmm.

Example: Do we develop passion for being a great parent, or is it innate? Is that like saying, with time, i could love Monique more? When our kids are young, can we develop more patience, better hygiene and safety, become more effective teaching manners?



Passion never feels like work. The exception is when you feel the negative energy from other people and their stereotypical mumbling about you caring too much.”



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Nuwanda Chronicles

masked man in mountains
Siyeh Pass, Glacier National Park, September2020.


Note: This post was written August 2012 but never published until 2021.

What is the blog category “The Chronicles of Nuwanda”? They are a series of posts designed to illuminate truth while deflecting blame to a specific person.

Seth Godin writes with clarity, creativity, and insight that no other writer i read delivers – and with such amazing regularity (daily), on top of his 13 best-selling books.

He wrote Corporations Are Not People the other day (Aug. 17) about Progressive Insurance. In rereading it just now, and reading the blog post from the victim’s Katie Fisher’s brother, it’s sad and educational at the same time.

While Nuwanda judges no one, Nuwanda is free to write and share anything. To anyone.

And therein lies the insight after reading up to this point. The insight is that if you conduct yourself in any way, shape, or form, don’t expect it to go undetected. Ever.

It may. But don’t expect it to.


Live your life so that if anyone ever says anything bad about you, no one will believe it.



People thought he hated Grizzles.


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27 Tips to be successful

Man in mountains
Work from anywhere is a measure of success.


27 Tips to be successful

  1. smile, really smile
  2. accept others
  3. default to “how can I help the other person” first
  4. become trustworthy
  5. trust others 1st
  6. abundance mentality
  7. find common ground with others
  8. aim for perfection
  9. ship, with a personal story
  10. sow much seed (make it easy to find you)
  11. use obvious points (what are people really caring about?)
  12. overcome resistance
  13. enchant all influencers (watch Never Say Never)
  14. endure (build an ecosystem)
  15.  scratch each others backs
  16. be a great presenter (customize every intro)
  17. sell your dream
  18. 10 slides, 20 mins, 30-point font
  19. be a techie
  20. remove the speed bumps
  21. provide value, always
  22. remember the world is flat
  23. do it all the time
  24. enchant your boss ( drop everything)
  26. deliver bad news early
  27. enchant down (be willing to do the dirty jobs)

Likeability, trustworthiness, and quality


Radical, forced societal changes enable outliers to gain another thread of street cred.



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Joy recipe

hiking trail through removing forest fire
Hiking 7 miles uphill through recovering forest-fire wilderness to spend the night without electricity is art.

Yesterday, listening to a person 30-40 years younger share advice on Small Business Marketing, she said Twitter is great because so many people can instantly get your message. (me: smile/grin)

Rubbish. The people who think they know Twitter are the ones who don’t. Twitter can be powerful. Just like diet & exercise can be powerful. Or reading lots of great books.

But most don’t do any of it.

But Aimee Mullins gets it. This TED speech could spark something great for us today… “It’s not fair.”

Art brings me joy when it provokes the senses and ignites imagination.


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