You need to know

Television set
Long before watching Yellowstone, i began working on clear, concise, and compelling.

Only your father can show you the North Star.


If a father doesn’t show his son where to find the North Star for personal vibrancy, who will?

The harsh reality is, no one!

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Startups are nearly impossible

You cannot decide to start a business and expect it to work out. At best you are looking at 3% success rate after five years.

Social media ad for a Jeff Noel seminar
Jenny Koppenhaver is driving everything about this event. i am not involved until it’s time to deliver it.

Jenny asked me my opinion on something. Gave the opinion and added these thoughts, this vision.

It would be better to verbally discuss because typed words don’t have any body language or tone (lol)

i love the progress it feels like you’re making

i love your grit and determination

i love that your heart and soul are developing in your understanding of who jeff noel is

i absolutely (off the charts) love your initiative to approach me and attempt something that may not work

i (absolutely…to all of this actually) love that your are willing to go all in on something that may not work (in the first iteration), yet you press on anyway

i ain’t nobody special, but i am damn sure different (about balance and self-love and potential and slaying regrets) than anybody on the planet (that i know…and i’ve spent my life looking for someone “more balanced” than me)

The people you want to attract to ‘my message’ are the outliers, the misfits, the rebels, the round peg in a square hole

You want to market to people who want one thing…personal vibrancy

  1. The most positive person you know
  2. The healthiest person you know
  3. The person you know with the most peace and contentment (peace with who they are and content wiling what they have)
  4. The most remarkable person in the world at the singular thing you do (ex. me wanting to be the most remarkable Disney Keynote Speaker, not the best motivational speaker…but the most remarkable at sharing Disney Business Insights)
    5 The most organized person you know. Not neat and tidy (tho that can be part of it), but the person who has world-class (Disney) prioritized their life’s priorities at home

Jenny, when i started reply to your text (10 mins ago), had no idea this would be such a long riff

i 💯 % believe in you

Not worried about a hit song (or even making any $) on our first single

i trust you

Do what you think makes the most sense for your expertise and bandwidth

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Leaders notice nuance

37-second video: All of this happened because i was calm, still, and present.

Leaders notice nuance


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Boldness requires vision

Boldness requires a vision worthy of boldness.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Presence gifts you

29-second video: From Eagle to this. Both sightings were serendipitous due to being present and unhurried.

Don’t gamble with a chronically hurried lifestyle. You are guaranteed to loose.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.