One last trip down memory lane

Mall food court
Lunch. One last time. Towson Center Mall. It’s across the street from our Hotel. And campus is 100 meters from the Hotel.

Bittersweet is a proper space for life transitions. Surrender to the feeling.


Can easy picture us returning.

All three of us.

Cheryl and i will likely be the first.

But who knows?







Why not?

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Leadership holiday

College dining hall close up
We enjoyed many meals here.
College freshman dorm complex
The new Freshmen complex. Opened 2018.
College dormitory room
Cheryl excels at organizing and packing. We stay out of her way.
Northern college campus in December
From second floor Van Meter classroom building. View of Van Meter ‘highway’.
Student artwork on a wall
Excellent job Chapin.
College writing class display about Moby Dick
Possibly our last photo inside Goucher’s Athenaeum (the ‘Ath’).
Father and son college campus
Nope, this is our last photo inside the Ath.
College dormitory room
Back at The Gaming House. Cheryl is nearing the finish line. We are still focused on staying out of the way.
College dormitory room
Chapin and i went back to the hotel to do a couple things. When we returned to the dorm room… Cheryl made ‘moving’ chaos look like ‘moving-in completion’. But we ain’t moving in, we are vacating the premises. For good

Thanks for the memories.

Bob Hope

Memories are awesome.

And yet…

Never let your memories be bigger than your dreams.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Unapologetically over-focused

Pickup truck in parking garage
Hotel parking garage is woefully unaccommodating for a 4-door F150.

Over-focusing is the same thing as obsessive attention to detail. i am unapologetically over-focused as heck.


Hardy, the ‘Country’ artist, is unapologetically country as heck.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Use the elevators

Hospital directory board
AdventHealth, Orlando campus inspires great memories

Take the stairs. There will come a day when you wish you could take the stairs.


Sage wisdom says, “Use it or lose it.”

Sage wisdom says many useful things.

Sage wisdom and common sense are twins.


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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

The end of an era

High School assembly
Senior year High School. Now it’s Senior year College.

Adventure awaits.


We fly to Maryland tomorrow.

We rent a truck.

We load the truck.

We drive the truck to Orlando.

We unload the truck at home.

Then we have a month before another flight to another College.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.