But the way we’ve always done it is a formidable foe

Funny irony
Oh the irony


The thing that motivates is the thing that also rubs others the wrong way.


Anyone ingrained in the command and control world of traditional organizational hierarchy will only ever be able to pay lip service to the concept of (organizational) vibrancy.

Organizational vibrancy is the new corporate buzz phrase.

It’s entertaining, a bit comical and sad, and it is also a great vision.

But the way we’ve always done it is a formidable foe.

Unlikely to be defeated.

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The power of being underestimated is abundant and free

Book cover design voting request
The power of being underestimated is available to everyone (photo: PDG Facebook page)


The power of being underestimated is available to everyone.

It is also abundant and free.

But it’s power isn’t available until the victim-mentality is shed forever.

You are the CEO of You, Inc.

Heck yeah it’s challenging to break free.

But it’s not impossible.

Permission to break free only comes from the one feeling underestimated.

We know this.

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The unfair paradox of risk

Fun Industries sticker on arcade window display
Can taking risks become something fun to do?


Valor lies just halfway between rashness and cowardice.  – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Taking risks is risky.

So is playing it safe.

What would our lives become if we consciously took a minimum of one risk per day?

You know the saying, everyday do one thing that scares you.

What would happen over time?

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