So many people want in so badly

Amway Center
Yesterday coming home from Urologist visit.


Amway Center
Yesterday coming home from Urologist visit.


Amway Center
Yesterday coming home from Urologist visit.


Life is tough. Everyone is feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders. It’s the common thread for all humans.

Sent this last night, responding to request for advice…

“Thanks for your note and i do know your Grandfather and recall Cheryl going to lunch with you and your brother.

Judson, the greatest resource you have for the goals you describe is right under your nose. It’s your Disney leadership team. The one you had on your College Program and the one you have currently.

So here’s my best advice: Create great relationships with your leaders, their bosses (if possible, and it’s always possible), your peers, your Guests, vendors, everyone. Disney is famous for friendly, helpful, optimistic people. If that’s hard to do at the level you are at, it will be impossible to advance.

Every ring on the “leadership ladder” carries with it additional responsibilities that can bury people who aren’t equipped. So if this feels like hard work now, leadership might not be the right direction.

I’m assuming you were a standout at Cosmic Rays. Leverage those connections.

I retired almost two years ago and Cheryl’s position is in an exceptionally busy time right now.

Happy to answer any and all questions you have at any time.

Think of a mentor like a personal trainer. i can give advice from the expertise that comes from experience, yet i cannot do the exercises (the relationship building) for the trainee.

What books have you read about Disney? Send that list and i’ll recommend what’s missing and validate the great ones.

And if we aren’t connected on LinkedIn, please send an invitation.

Finally, expect an answer to any question within 24 hrs, usually same day, and often within hours. Future replies are not likely to be this long. 🙂

Be amazed and be amazing Judson. Our world needs more of that.

(PS, i didn’t proof this, sorry for grammar/typos)”




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.


Leapfrog and way smarter

Steve Jobs revealing iPhone
Audacious isn’t always a bad thing.


Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone in 2007 and told the audience…

We wanted to make a leapfrog product that is way smarter than any mobile device has ever been and super easy to use.

The biggest problem with smartphones was the user interface; the keyboard. It cannot change from application to application and if you come up with a new button you can’t add it because the phone has already been shipped.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

The paradox of vision

Steve Jobs quote
Photo from yesterday.


Taking risks is risky. So is playing it safe. – jn




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

How certain can anyone be?

10-year plan
what if we aged with a 10-year plan?

How certain can anyone be? Fair, midland, completely? Life is full of uncertainty. Chock full. So what’s the right formula? Truth be told, there is no certainty, except that one day, we will die. I made a 10-year plan just before turning 50:

  • 5 more years at Disney
  • 5 years to raise money for a Crohn’s disease cure

Insight: We live life by design or by default. A 10-year plan? What if we did?

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Are you being set up?

March 2012 Strengthsfinder 2.0 results...

Are you being set up? I mean, really, who can be so sure of themselves and their conditions, and not fear being politically incorrect? What do you think? Would you set your sights on the future with such clarity?

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