Thinking impossible thoughts ought to be like filling our lungs with oxygen

New York Post Lance Armstrong confession
Playing it safe is lying to ourselves


Impossible is the air we breathe. Thinking impossible thoughts ought to be like filling our lungs with oxygen. Easy.

But we cuddle with mediocrity. And our excuses find solace in impossible.

And then there are the wrong motives – say Lance Armstrong – who in pushing to become better, took the risk that eventually things might get worse, and lost.

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Ever question your motives, feel alone, and press on anyway?

Ever question your motives, feel alone, and press on anyway?

No, seriously, do we?

Where do we find the courage to press on? Is it a rock solid formula? Or is it like herding cats?

Everyone (unless we were lying) thought (and maybe still thinks) writing five daily, different blogs is crazy.

Yeah, I get it. It’s ridiculous.

Yet ever since that day – four years and a day ago – it felt enlightening, by something hard to explain.

Ridiculous is remarkable.

And remarkable is when people make remarks about what someone does, how they do it, or both.

Um, if you want to read today’s final post about our opportunity to be be CEO of “You, Inc“, click here.

The paradox of waiting for our work to be good enough

great progress, stalled, unexpectedly… fosters doubt


Projects never launch, ideas never get spoken, improvements never get made – because we are hiding behind a false belief that our work isn’t good enough yet.

So what if it isn’t? But And what if it is?

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To go in an instant from this money (career) blog to the HQ blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Unanswered ??????

fear of changing
maybe anger can motivate you to change (maybe not)...are you afraid to decide?
  • Tired of feeling like you’re not giving yourself completely to the things that matter most?
  • Not all in? Is your energy always wavering and unstable because of this?
  • Tired of your self-abuse? Tired of feeling not worthy enough?
  • Tired of feeling like you could never live up to someone else’s standards?

Join the club.

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What is the number two thing we’re afraid of?

technology fears
technology is a huge fear also - pushing the wrong button, etc

Death is the number two activity humans fear, right behind the fear of public speaking. You see, we fear public speaking (and death) because after our speech (or our life), we may realize we were incorrect in our beliefs.

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