Is access to a Disney career insider worth it’s weight in gold?

MOO Business card featuring Gapingvoid art
One side of a different business card.


Began packing yesterday for the first business flight of 2015.


Copyblogger’s Authority Rainmaker two-day conference on Content Marketing.

Submitted an offer to be a speaker’s coach for every speaker presenting over both days. It was a long shot because in exchange, i asked that the registration fee be waived.

My offer included me paying all my own travel expenses.

Was it the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from a Disney career insider that made their answer, “Yes”.

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Are You Serious? (part 2)

Here’s the secret to “Are You Serious”, from yesterday’s post.

Think. Read.  Watch. Listen.  Talk. Write.  Blog.

A lot.

Then repeat.

For example.  I invested about about 30 minutes Sunday to listen to THIS.

That’s how I do it.  And yes, I are serious. 🙂

PS.  If you missed it two sentences up, (click THIS) Seth Godin explains, book by book, his thinking with each book.  If you are serious about becoming better, this will rock your thinking – especially if you are a traditionalist.