My Friend Says He Finally Figured Out Where Much Of His Career Tension Comes From

My friend claims he has something no one else on his team has. He said it’s so important, and unusual, yet it goes completely unrecognized, and instead, he claims, it actually is misinterpreted as a bad quality, thus causing unwanted tension. Maybe he’s wrong.

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The Good News About Doing The Hard Work That You’d Rather Not Do, Is That It Pays Off Eventually


While bravery and vision are critical leadership characteristics, patience is perhaps the most under rated. Get results. Fast.

Like diet and exercise. Like focused and disciplined study. Like daily prayer and meditation. Eventually, the tree of your labor blossoms and bears fruit. But not before it’s time. Ever.

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At The End Of The Day, It Really Is About Who You Know, So Get To Know A Lot Of People

Dear Son, the truth hurts and it sets us free. Most people see politics as a negative. It is if you see it that way. It’s also an asset, if you see it that way.

Your challenge is to figure out how to be politically correct without sacrificing or compromising your integrity or reputation. This will often feel like more work than it’s worth.

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