27 Tips to be successful

Man in mountains
Work from anywhere is a measure of success.


27 Tips to be successful

  1. smile, really smile
  2. accept others
  3. default to “how can I help the other person” first
  4. become trustworthy
  5. trust others 1st
  6. abundance mentality
  7. find common ground with others
  8. aim for perfection
  9. ship, with a personal story
  10. sow much seed (make it easy to find you)
  11. use obvious points (what are people really caring about?)
  12. overcome resistance
  13. enchant all influencers (watch Never Say Never)
  14. endure (build an ecosystem)
  15.  scratch each others backs
  16. be a great presenter (customize every intro)
  17. sell your dream
  18. 10 slides, 20 mins, 30-point font
  19. be a techie
  20. remove the speed bumps
  21. provide value, always
  22. remember the world is flat
  23. do it all the time
  24. enchant your boss ( drop everything)
  25. prototype..fast
  26. deliver bad news early
  27. enchant down (be willing to do the dirty jobs)

Likeability, trustworthiness, and quality


Radical, forced societal changes enable outliers to gain another thread of street cred.



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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.