Thanks for sharing. Hope your head is pain free.
How intentional do you think it is that Vision is the first of my 19 organizational vibrancy architectural blueprints? (Yes, it’s a trick question)
Simon does a great job reframing what many miss as key because the concept of vision is too familiar and too simple.
(A vision of the future that’s not only better than now, but much better.)
As simple a concept as vision is, remember how you struggled with vision in the early days?
Your greatest opportunity is breathing life into your organization’s.
Why communicating this in a clear, concise, and compelling manner doesn’t come naturally to you is still a mystery.
Do you remember those 15 minutes with your Executive Team that morning at the retreat? That was the most powerful/inspiring message you ever gave them.
You are so capable.
When you slow down long enough, you’ll see in yourself what i see in you.
PS. To be clear, Glacier would have revealed this.
PSS. When you are ready to see cultural transformation version 2.0 as an investment instead of an expense, organizational vibrancy will become your (Organization’s) greatest asset. Can you see it?
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