Everyone talks a good game, but few show up to do battle:
Steve Jobs saw that his competitors, tethered to an old regime, couldn’t innovate rapidly or radically.
Whether it’s business, or personal, innovation is the key to growth.
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Disney Brand Loyalty Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Everyone talks a good game, but few show up to do battle:
Steve Jobs saw that his competitors, tethered to an old regime, couldn’t innovate rapidly or radically.
Whether it’s business, or personal, innovation is the key to growth.
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Where will you go today to do work that matters? Trick question. Wherever you are is the place where your work matters. All day. Every day. Just so happens, heading to New Orleans today… and tomorrow, an American sporting legend and American cultural mainstay since the 1960’s.
Congrats, so far you’ve spent about 90 seconds reading four short, pithy posts. On final post 25-word post about the place we come home to each day.
It is better to give than to receive. What goes around comes around. Be the change we hope to see. Live our life so that if anyone said something bad about us, no one would believe it. If our goal isn’t impossible, we’re not reaching high enough. And always remember, Life is not a dress rehearsal.
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When is it acceptable to stop improving an amazing product? Never!
Sure, this makes life hard. So does going out of business.
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Today’s point is subtle for most – do the challenging, creative, difficult work while everyone else is at the pity-party. Later, when they’re hungover, you’ll be celebrating.
As time passes and we get closer to the cyclical end of this brutal economic downturn, masses of workers will be scrambling to tell their employers goodbye. But where will they go? The time to build your network has passed.
jeff noel revamped his LinkedIn profile (old profile above), stating he has an unfair advantage as a professional speaker due to gig volume and variety.
Can’t determine if I love my job because of luck, or lucky came because I know how to figure out how to love my job.