Apple remains the world’s largest startup


Today’s post is written with karma that feels like Steve is still alive.

(Depending on how you frame life, Steve IS still alive at Apple)

Apple remains the world’s largest startup.

Steve Jobs says Apple is the largest startup in the world.


He doesn’t run Apple by committee.

If you’ve never started a company or never worked in a startup, it’s ok for this to be lost on you.

No harm, no foul.

From personal experience, as i enter year four there is zero theory when you are a startup.


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Thank goodness for the safe and predictable way


Status quo is doing things the way we’ve always done them.

You know, the comfortable way.

The way that was important at one time.

A time years, decades, or even centuries ago.

But today is today.

Now take a deep breath and reflect on your position as a career professional.

Playing it safe by not challenging status quo because it’s too risky for our future ambitions and our current stability.

Managers maintain an efficient status quo while leaders attack the status quo to create something new.

Do less of what doesn’t work.

Do more of what does.

But you have to figure out what is what.

Odds are high, right now, you are unaware.


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Mr Disney Keynote Speaker, roll film


Mr Disney Keynote Speaker, roll film.

Working on something and this inspires the karma we are looking for.


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Hey industrial revolution, stop stealing our dreams


This is only for busy people who want to take a risk to pause a few minutes to potentially feel something strong enough from this 2016 Seth Godin riff that might actually influence the way they do their current work.


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The view from space changes you in a profound way






Viewing earth from outer space changes you.

Ask any astronaut.

But what about mere mortals on earth?

As we watched this yesterday, 120-seconds in we needed to stop…and i immediately had an epiphany – Glacier National Park is my version of outer space.


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