Visionless lives

Lake McDonald fire 2017
Lake McDonald fire 2017, the Sprague fire, from inside our room at The Village Inn at the foot of Lake McDonald. The fire and Lake McDonald Lodge are 10 miles away at the North end.
Lake McDonald fire 2017, from the room.
Lake McDonald fire 2017. Photo taken from my bed.

Vision and vision statement are two distinct entities. The distinct difference is insidiously forgotten by most organizations.


From in-the-field research inside 2,000 organizations, i can tell you that only one organization’s people (at all levels) could correctly and simultaneously answer this question when asked during a presentation: What is your Company’s vision statement?

If you don’t know the vision statement, how can you articulate a vision that tiers up to your founding ideals?

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Forgetting is expected

Disney Keynote Speaker
GNP. Sprague Fire from a motorboat. Amazing how relaxed we are. College buddy Howard. There was legit concern that the smoke would completely block our navigational view. But rather than rush 10 miles south to safety, we relaxed.
Lake McDonald 2017
Lake McDonald marina. Lake McDonald Lodge behind the trees. Weird how clear this photo is.

Who can recite your company’s vision statement from memory? (awkward pause) So why bother having a vision statement?


My vision statement is so simple that other’s know mine even though they have none for themselves.


Originally saw Stephen Covey speak and he said his personal vision statement was five words. He never shared them. Returning from his seminar, i was motivated to do less than five words. Created a one-word vision statement, servant.

Further reflection revealed the need for a second word, humble.

Human temptation is to serve in order to receive. What if we did everything without expectation?

Humble servant is a two-word vision statement and a 467-word reduction from my original effort.

When i read the 469-word vision statement (magnetically framed on the refrigerator) i would be so inspired.

The harsh reality is that i could go years and not read it.

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Inspiration’s bottomline reality

Logan Pass welcome sign
GNP. Late September. Heading home to Walt Disney World soon. Disney name tag and extra inch pin.
Disney Leadership Keynote Speakers
Final day at Logan Pass.
Lake McDonald Lodge fireplace
Lake McDonald Lodge fireplace. Final look for the season.

Only the inspired inspire.


Want an inspiring CEO (of You, Inc)? Be one. Find a million ways.


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Managers struggle with the math

Lake McDonald Boat House
GNP. Boat House is a real thing. On Lake McDonald.
Lake McDonald Boat House
The only residential dock on the southern shore.
GNP. Lake McDonald Boat House
How the house got it’s name.

Leaders have to believe in things exponentially more convincingly than others. A hard thing to ask any human to do. Managers struggle with the math. Leaders ace the test.


You are the CEO of You, Inc.


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Even after retirement

Lake McDonald Boat House
GNP. Closeup as i explored the grounds last night.
Lake McDonald Boat House
GNP. Welcome.

i am 100% committed to doing the kind of work that matters, brings me joy, and doesn’t negatively impact any of life’s other four buckets.


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