No acceptable excuse

Bearhat Mountain and Hidden Lake.
Galaxy’s Edge, at sunrise, from World Drive, on reopening day.

What happens when a global pandemic hits? For the first six months, you begin to realize that scientists knew this day would come but never prepared for it.


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Reputation Coaching

Married couple posing with Mickey Mouse
Employees are customers too. Photo: Two retired Cast Members, with 66 combined years of Disney Service. They also are raving fans.

Reputation coaching to drive brand loyalty:

  • Define your customer promise: Identify your customers and align your promise for each customer segment.
  • Deliver your customer promise: identify your strengths – your core competencies – and deliver your strengths at every customer touch point.
  • Because human emotions trump everything else, connect emotionally with your customers and value your employees – they are customers too.

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Be careful what you wish for

Business excellence notes on flipcharts
Some of my 19 Business Excellence architectural blueprints. The fact that you can’t discern the recipe is intentional. You must be there in person for these messages to make perfect sense.

Optimize your work.


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People hate this stimulation

Emerson quote
A path diverged into two. i took the less traveled. Hand wrote this college note in 1981.

In the beginning, hone your ability to be unencumbered from other’s judgement. Transformation stimulates discomfort and is at odds with the comfort of conformity. Humans hate discomfort and use judgement of others to discourage their own discomfort.


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Begin with the first small step

The Loop Hike descent
McDonald Creek ends its journey at Lake McDonald, over the mountains.

Having the information we need to be an effective leader is rarely the issue. This issue, almost exclusively, is in our application.


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