Dear Inspiration

Disney Institute Speaker
GNP. We love Glacier National Park.
Disney Institute Speaker
GNP. We came inside to warm up.
Disney Institute Speaker
GNP. Lake McDonald Lodge.

Dear Inspiration, thank you for being everywhere i look.


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None more than you

Disney Business Book writer
GNP. Lake McDonald.

No one will be more passionate about your vision than you. This can be really scary if you are busy and think everyone wants what you want.


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Be and do this

Disney Business Book writer
GNP. Lake McDonald. The Garden Wall, as it’s called, is the center horizon. Glaciers carved both sides, so it resembles a wall (in the garden called Glacier National Park).

Be inspired and be inspiring.


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Disney’s top brand differentiator

Disney Business Book writer
GNP. Lake McDonald. Last photo from arrival day, from my bed.

The one thing we always need to answer is this simple, compelling question: “Does this allow us to better deliver our unifying goal?”


At Walt Disney World, there are 80,000 employees, approximately 2,000 job descriptions, and one unifying goal: Make sure every Customer (Guest) has the best vacation of their entire life.


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Don’t read

Disney Business Book writing
GNP. Word spread fast in the little village of Apgar.

You only live once. You don’t want your tombstone to read: Played it safe.

Rosario Dawson
Disney Business Book writing
GNP. Jordan and i raced down the street to see this. He and i were talking as i picked up two bicycles for the next eight days.
Disney Business Book writing
GNP. “You have to go down to the Lake to see the rainbow.”

You only live once. You don’t want your tombstone to read: Waited too long to come alive.


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