The number one way to become inspired that all inspirational speakers overlook

Inspirational Speaker, jeff noel, has spoken to a million people
some speakers have spoken to a million people in their lifetime

Few people dislike inspiration. The positive benefits? Glaringly obvious.

All of us are inspirational speakers. Every day, with our Family, friends, coworkers, strangers. We have constant opportunity to be a beacon of positivity. And yet we often neglect the laws of nature:

You will never be inspired until you become inspiring.

It’s a paradox. We must find what fuels our will to live well. Thinking this responsibility belongs to someone else is, well, pretty uninspiring.

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Six amazing career benefits from finding peace

What should be amazing, we avoid like the plague. Finding inner peace, maybe it’s at the end of our comfort zone…

inner peace at work

Six amazing career benefits from finding peace:

1. you no longer work for money
2. no longer need a promotion
3. no longer look over your shoulder
4. you become your authentic self
5. you accelerate your effectiveness
6. you earn unwavering trust

Read one amazing home benefit from finding peace at the next Blog