Yesterday was only an 11 hour day

WTC 911 memorial

911 Memorial preview

Yesterday was only an 11 hour day. The widower sitting next to me worked long and hard for ATT. He either didn’t understand the question, or couldn’t answer it transparently. Asked him what advice he’d give his grown children from the broken dream he is trying to let go of.

The day was much longer than 11 hours… a late dinner near ground zero…

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jeff noel Asks, Is It Worth Your Reputation?

Even with the good he did, surely he was hated by many
At one time, everyone knew him

jeff noel asks, “Is putting your conviction and passion out there for the world to see worth your reputation?”

Or is putting it out there actually your reputation, your personal leadership brand? Reputation (brand) is the first thing people think of when they hear your name.

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