The world is full of emotions, which serve as leadership examples

John W Jolin
Photo from iPhone: John W Jolin Twitter campaign.


High School Theater
High School Theater the other night.


In just 24 hours, we can see the unflattering reality of human behavior as well as the glorious example of what a human can do when they set their mind on goodwill.

The High School Theater performances included several international students who, until four months ago, didn’t speak english.


Both examples are stunning.

Both are choices made by the same species, humans.

The paradox of joy versus sorrow.




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John W Jolin Google search

John W Jolin
John W Jolin


John W Jolin Google search revealed some fascinating information. At first glance, Wikipedia seems like a great place to be, until you realize that it is open source. This means other “credible” sources may expand on (add to) the existing page information. This is true if you look closely at John W Jolin’s Wikipedia page.

Update (today, February 14, 2016): John W Jolin’s wikipedia page no longer exists. Why? A reasonable person would suggest that it’s the fact that in the photo above, there are several unflattering links. Instinct told me to take the photos. Instinct told me to write a few posts (like this one) for posterity.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Let she who has not sinned, throw the first stone

Produce aisle innocent mistakes
Florida Blueberries imported from Lima, Peru.


What is sound wisdom?

Who decides?

When a violation is proven, but the violation was literally impossible to avoid, and absolutely no financial hardship endured, nor an iota of brand damage has occurred, and when the violation is immediately corrected, is it necessary to punish someone?

Let she who has not sinned, throw the first stone. And let the punishment fit the crime.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

If ever the writing strikes a chord…

New MacBook
Apple’s vision is to make tools for people who want to change the world.


Personal leadership 101: Do others know your vision?

The voice (always) in my tweets, updates, blogs, & book is (always) me talking to the broken & beautiful person in the mirror.

If anything you read strikes an uncomfortable cord, know that it struck me first.
i’ve learned to welcome discomfort as a trusted advisor.

In my discomfort resides hope, and (maybe) enough motivation to do something that matters.

PS. the lower case i is intentional. A small (yet personally powerful) act to remain humble.

Note to self (always): Life is not a dress rehearsal. Live like you mean it.




This website is about our career health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my home health website, click here.

Who is personal Facebook for?

Business meeting at Publix
A colleague and a close friend.


Personal Facebook was designed for close friends to stay connected. A brilliant way to maximize the potential of social media.

Unfortunately, humans, generally speaking, are needy people. Few people would turn down the opportunity to be popular and liked by lots of people.

This led to the Friending of more people than we can manage.

Over time, we also realize that no one really cares about our intimate details.

No one that is, except our friends.

We get friends and aquintences and colleagues mixed up, thinking it’s all the same.

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