Attention to detail is what this company is famous for

Walt Disney Legacy Award tag line
Enthusiasm is the only way


Attention to detail is what this company is famous for and it’s what sets them miles apart from their competition.

Do you think enthusiasm is contagious? In fact, it’s the only antidote for the second most contagious thing – lack of enthusiasm.

In exactly 368 days – one year and three days – on June 8, 2014, I can retire at age 55.

Reaching this milestone is scary and exciting.

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The inherent challenge with drifting off the beaten leadership path is

jeff noel's speaker credentials
I never speak about the blogging and never blog about the speaking


The inherent challenge with drifting off the beaten leadership path is unproven ideas scare us.

What if we react in a way our teammates (friends and Family too) don’t expect?

Our desire to fit in trumps our curiosity. So we stop (even though we hate that about ourselves).

For some that fear is less than the fear of not living fully alive.

And so, I continue to write five daily, different blogs about work life balance.

What is it that changes inside us when we no longer seek permission nor acceptance? When we’re ready to make a new set of rules?



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Is our greatest challenge breaking the rules or following them?

Disney boats on Bay Lake
Taking risks is risky, so is playing it safe


Is our greatest challenge breaking the rules or following them?

Think about this for a moment and remember the question isn’t, “Which one will get us in the most trouble?”, although maybe it should be, because ironically the answer won’t change.

Our greatest challenge is our greatest fear – self-fulfillment.

It’s just so much easier to follow the rules.

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How often are we oblivious of these three things?

Teddy bear in Chicago airport gift shop
Home for two days and yes, on the road again today


Driven. As opposed to spectator. Sound like us?

How often are we oblivious of these three things?

  1. The clock
  2. Mediocrity
  3. Antagonizing others without trying

Two out of three is decent.

Believing in something all the way is not meant to piss others off, even though odds are high.

We don’t need permission to be amazing today.


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