Even when we choose not to decide, we still have made a choice

life journey
knowing where I'm headed is the most important part of my journey (same for you)

People are afraid. Afraid to decide. Afraid of how we’ll measure up to “successful” people we know or associate with. Here’s a significant tip from everything I’ve learned:

  • Everyone is afraid
  • The ones who push through do so by making decisions
  • No one has a crystal ball
  • Being decisive is one of the most invigorating life activities, period
  • I know these things because I’ve done them and continue to do so

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Number one reason why most people don’t reach their potential

paid learning
there are also a ton of low, medium, and high cost choices for learning

The invisible paradox with access to a ton of free leadership and career insights, strategies, tactics – we can’t decide.

Too many choices. We put off deciding for ourselves what’s mission critical. And then we get so used to putting it off that we never decide.

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The paradox of valuable information

the paradox of valuable information...

A million books full of ideas telling us how to get better at what we do. And an invisible paradox with valuable information. Know the biggest flaw with access to all this data?

Insight: If I tell you, you’ll never remember, if I can help you discover it on your own, you’ll never forget. Think about it…see ya tomorrow…

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