One significant reason why knowing a lot can be bad

river of knowledge
the never ending river of knowledge runs deep and wide

I’ve known John Hill for over a decade. He’s a smart and very funny professional speaker, from whom I’ve learned some important lessons. Leadership, especially in front of an audience is way more important than most speakers comprehend…

The more you know about something, the harder it is to come to terms of a single definition. – John Hill

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Number one way to survive turbulent times at work (and life)

lessons from pets
Some of life's most important lessons can be learned by owning a pet

What’s the number one way to survive turbulent times at work (and life)? How do we scale busy times, unpredictable situations, limited resources, nebulous goals, last minute requests, high expectations, and manage critical relationships, etc?

Use your resources.

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Kids are brutally perceptive to the basics

leadership mishaps
in a fast-paced world, speed is a leading cause of leadership accidents

Kids are brutally perceptive to the basics. Our Son reminded me of this recently. I asked him three questions after describing a leadership scenario in which a person was presumed guilty. Here are his answers:

Q. What do you think they’re feeling?
A. That they were wrong.

Q. What do you think they could have done?
A. Investigate more.

Q. What do you think they think of this person now?
A. Intimidated.

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PS. April 20, 2012 to be exact.

The first rule in how to build something epic

swimming pool technology
we’ll be able to operate whatever this is…from our iPhones

The first rule in how to build something epic? It’s so simple it avoids us. And we let it race by because we want to avoid it. We are afraid of success. Sounds crazy. Right. We fear failure, but success?

Yes, to be an artist, it must be differently (or better) (I’ll stick with different) than everyone else. Who wants another homogenized version of plain vanilla? People love different. So do I. So do you. Go!

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PS. You know I must say these things to encourage you to be who you are meant to be. Right?