3-day weekend at work

Two men at Disney World
Just after sunrise, it’s hard to not squint. Rene has every weekend off now. Maybe some day that will be my story too.

A 3-day weekend at work never hurt anyone.


Intention deficit disorder.

When you cannot be intentional and have no idea you don’t know how.

Intention abundance catalyst.

When you are habitually intentional, which increases your opportunities to make dramatic leaps in your art (career).

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

How do you want to feel everyday at work?

Disney Keynote Speaker Jeff noel
Photo: 2013. You do not win Walt Disney lifetime achievement awards, they are bestowed on recipients by fellow Cast Members. Note: Received WDW’s original Lifetime achievement award, Partners in Excellence, in 2000.

How do i want to feel everyday at work? Confident.


How do i want to feel everyday at work?

Vibrantly confident.

Vibrantly artistic.

Vibrantly fearless.

Vibrantly contributing.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

What obsesses you at work?

Person on raft on mountain lake
Perhaps this is impossible for me personally. Perhaps not. Time will tell. It’s been a goal since first seeing the photo years ago. Dupe photo is intentional.
post it note with life insight
Action. Impossible action. Why? Too many distractions. Too much fear. Creativity scarcity. Unclear priorities.

What obsesses me at work? Impossibilities.


On an executive coaching call today, i asked the executive what she obsesses about.

She loved the question, by the way.

i asked her to ask me.

(already had my answer teed up)

.thinking .differently

On my daily couple-hour walk today, reflected on the answer and asked myself, “Is that your final answer?”

Gut said, “No.”

So the renewed exploration began while walking.

Seems like vibrancy is a byproduct of .thinking .differently

Pushing my discussion with myself…

Seems like ‘impossibilities’ is the byproduct of vibrancy, and, perhaps the ultimate product.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

DU Quik Trip

Disney Institute meeting room
Taking a stroll at my first Resort property. This room used to be a Disney restaurant called the “Gulf Coast Room”.
Disney Institute meeting room
”The former Gulf Coast Room” recently converted to a permanent Disney Institute classroom. By the way, Gulf Coast Room got converted to a Convention Center meeting room decades ago.
11-second video: Biking to Disney University.
19-second video: Disney University is where i (and every Cast Member) started.

No company builds a reputation on what they’re gonna do.


It’s fun to make a quick trip to Disney University to surprise and delight an unsuspecting client or potential client. By the way, i do this most often with Family and friends.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.

Are you kidding me?

Disney Keynote Speaker Jeff Noel
Halloween, 2014.

In 15 years, i’ve written 27,395 blog posts.


Yes, i’m serious.

No, i’m not kidding you.

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This website is about our WORK. To ponder today’s post about our HOME, click here.