Do you know next? Most likely, you don’t.
I didn’t either, until I clicked here.
Come to find out, I do know next.
It’s one of the special gifts I have that looks stupid, antagonistic, even moronic.
Disney Brand Loyalty Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Do you know next? Most likely, you don’t.
I didn’t either, until I clicked here.
Come to find out, I do know next.
It’s one of the special gifts I have that looks stupid, antagonistic, even moronic.
Sustaining Excellence in turbulent times is challenging.
Here’s a podcast from Bruce Jones, Director at Disney Institute. Bruce conducts a 22 minute podcast with Peter Clayton, from the Leadership Development Channel on Total Picture Radio.
Click here: Sustaining a Competitive Advantage through a Culture of Excellence
Hear directly from Bruce, a 28-year Disney Cast Member and recognized expert in Disney’s Business practices – Leadership, Management, Service, Loyalty, and Creativity.
If you’re looking for some free Disney insight on managing through this difficult economic landscape, look no further.
Make it a GREAT Tuesday, because if you don’t, who will? If not today, when? Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂
Good Tuesday morning everyone. I didn’t think the alarm clock was ever going to go off this morning.
I’ve always been a morning person. Seriously. When I was younger, I used to stay up for it. Now, I wake up for it. Funny how life comes full-circle.
Anyway, here’s a nice post on Disney Institute entitled, The Magic Kingdom goes to SHRM.
It’s written by The Red Recruiter. Once again, Google Alerts sent me an email link.
Not using Google Alerts? Click Google Alerts to find out how. It’s free, too.
As a bonus, I’m providing to you the link to The Red Recruiter’s post on the keynote speaker, Jack Welch.
Jack spoke about, among other things, control, trust and the future.
While you’re dreaming about the future, please don’t forget about today. Carpe diem, jungle jeff 🙂