Would you ignore it even if it could change your world?

Notice the photo below, in the upper right corner, the time reads 3:01am EST. This is 12:01am in Cupertino, Apple HQ.


Apple Watch opening day
Logged in and ready to go the second it became available.


Apple Watch opening day
No one is perfect, not even Apple. Store is down.


Apple Watch opening day
Went back to bed and tried again at 3:28am…success.


If someone came along with tools to allow you to speak up, build a platform and show the way, would you?

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Would You Tell People?

I'd Tell Them, "If Your Goal Isn't Impossible..."
I'd Tell Them, "If Your Goal Isn't Impossible..."

If you found a cure for cancer, would you tell people?

If you believe in your message, your platform so to speak, and knew that if it were available to others, and it would help them, would you tell people?

Jack Canfield suggested you become very comfortable with self-promotion. So much so, that you become an expert at it, a marketing expert.

This is counter-intuitive. But you must own it. And get very, very good at it.

None of this matters if you don’t believe your message will help others.

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