Something challenging to define, but can be felt almost immeadiately

Wall design in Disney World's It's A Small Wolrd que line
Wall design in Disney World’s It’s A Small Wolrd que line


My idea of fashion is simple. Functional. Clean. Old or new doesn’t matter. Faded, cut off jeans. No shirt. Uncombed hair. Clean sweat. Genuine smile. Twinkle in the eye. Fashion is way more than clothes.

And for professional demeanor? Simple. Just one thing. Authenticity.


Something challenging to define, but can be felt almost immeadiately.


Hence valuable.

And… fashionable.


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Because the herd follows the same direction, we accept this

Motivational quote on living without regret
Who wants to be the richest person n the graveyard?


When we stop climbing to feed our need for self worth in title and pay, we start climbing to feed our need for authenticity and contribution.

Because the herd follows the same widely accepted, well worn direction, we accept this as normal and follow along.

That getting ahead requires us to be better than the others vying for the same position.

And the only way to stand out – to be selected – is to shine brighter than our peers.

This creates a prison cell for small, justifiable deceit to flourish in our soul.

And it insidiously compromises our authentic self.

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The inherent challenge with drifting off the beaten leadership path is

jeff noel's speaker credentials
I never speak about the blogging and never blog about the speaking


The inherent challenge with drifting off the beaten leadership path is unproven ideas scare us.

What if we react in a way our teammates (friends and Family too) don’t expect?

Our desire to fit in trumps our curiosity. So we stop (even though we hate that about ourselves).

For some that fear is less than the fear of not living fully alive.

And so, I continue to write five daily, different blogs about work life balance.

What is it that changes inside us when we no longer seek permission nor acceptance? When we’re ready to make a new set of rules?



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Today’s fourth post is from Louis Armstrong New Orleans International airport

Louis Armstrong New Orleans International airport terminal
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International airport terminal


Louis Armstrong New Orleans International airport sign
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International airport sign


Today’s fourth post is from Louis Armstrong New Orleans International airport. Again, who cares? That’s one of the great things about being true to yourself, because you no longer have any unrealistic investment in your actions.

You do what you do because it brings you joy. And because you’ve learned pretending to be someone or something your not, isn’t joyful energy.

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This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To go in an instant from this money (career) blog to the HQ blog, just click -> go to Next Blog